October Camping – Camp Aquapaug

The troop spent the weekend at Camp Aquapaug. On Saturday, the scouts canoed 3 ½ miles down the Chipuxet River, starting at Taylor’s Landing (41° 28.953′ N    71° 33.073′ W) and finishing up at Worden Pond. Aquapaug is on Worden Pond, so we will end up back at our campsite. The trip took a solid 3 hours from start to finish. The Chipuxet river was had a lot of twists and turns. At some points, we ran into beaver dams and had to get out of the canoe to carry it over the dams. For a late October day, we could not have asked for better weather. The sky was clear and the air temp was in the 70s.

On this canoe trip, we had a couple of special guests. Mr. Deluca and Mr. Mott, who are former Troop 8 leaders, acted as our guides on the canoe trip. Thank you Mr. Deluca and Mr. Mott. It was great having you relive a trip you have done in the past with the scouts from Troop 8. And thank you Mr. Mott for bringing your signature treat for the troop, Mott’s juice.

2 thoughts on “October Camping – Camp Aquapaug

  1. Looks like the Troop had another great outing! Puts a smile on my face every time I see these posts. I always loved Aquapaug, except for maybe the time Nathan got stuck in the opening leading to the loft and the weekend when it was about 0° with strong winds and heavy rains. We had to cover the open sides of the shelter with tarps and couldn’t burn enough wood to keep the shelter warm. My finger tips and toes are still numb! Dinner didn’t “agree” with one of the Scouts and he promptly regurgitated directly in the doorway to get in and out of the shelter. All that being said, I would not have changed a thing! Rock on, Troop 8!!!


  2. Thanks Tom for sharing Aquapaug stories from the days you led the Troop. One of my favorite things about Troop 8 is the culture and traditions that have been passed down from previous leaders. We do our best to maintain those traditions and create new memories for the boys. While camping at Aquapaug last month, we actually told a few of the boys the story of a cold cold night when they had to cover every opening with tarps to help retain heat. Fortunate for us, we had two mild nights in the mid forties.


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