Clean-up at the Audubon Society

The Audubon Society is located across the street from a grocery store and next door to a strip mall. When people litter, the wind seems to carry it on the Audubon Societ property. Very quickly the property gets littered with old masks, plastic bags, sanitizing wipes, etc. When the Audubon Society said they could use some help cleaning up the property, Troop 8 Cranston jumped at the opportunity to give back. Within just two hours, the Troop was able to clean up the front of the property, filling three large garbage bags.

Hike Through George Washington State Park

Although the March camping trip had to be cancelled, the troop did get out to do a 5-mile hike through George Washington State Park. The weather was a little dreary with mild temperatures for March and we were fortunate the rain held out until just about the time we were finishing the hike.

Only in Rhode Island can you head out on a hike, see no one for miles, and then bump into someone you know. About 3 miles into the hike, we bumped into fellow Scouters from Narrangsett Council who were also out meandering through the woods to be with nature.