April Camping at Buck Hill

The troop returned to our favorite campsite, Beaver Tail at Buck Hill Camp. This site has plenty of space for tents, fire rings, and is close to the water, restrooms, and hiking trails. Sometimes camping is perfect, and you can’t wait to do it again. Other times, things don’t go as planned. Unfortunately, this camping trip was one of the latter.

The troop planned to hold a flag retirement ceremony Friday night and a fishing derby on Saturday morning. However, a fire ban prevented us from building a campfire, and the cold weather kept the fish from biting. The scouts fished for 30 minutes without catching anything, not even their homemade minnow trap caught a single fish.

Despite these setbacks, the scout and scouters still had a great weekend. We went for a hike, ate good food, and cleared out some brush that was blocking a stream. The scouts were proud of themselves for clearing the brush and seeing the water flowing again and the impact it had downstream.

Here are some things the troop learned from this camping trip:

  1. Always have a backup plan in case of bad weather or other unexpected events.
  2. Don’t give up on your plans just because things don’t go according to plan.
  3. Sometimes, the best experiences come from overcoming challenges.
  4. It’s important to be flexible and adaptable when camping.
  5. Camping is a great way to spend time with friends and create lasting memories.

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